19 Vegan Foods at Costco

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I don’t know what it is about Costco but when I see things in bulk it just gives me butterflies in my stomach.

It doesn’t matter if I haven’t drank Gatorade in 20 years. I see a stack of them as high as the ceiling and all of a sudden I have to have it.

So you can imagine how thrilled I was when Costco started carrying more and more vegan items! Here are the top 19 vegan foods at Costco that you should check out today.

Kirklands Peanut Butter Filled Nuggets

Peanut Butter Pretzels

Peanut Butter and pretzels. Need I say more?!

You bite into the hard outside to discover a soft gooey peanut buttery center. Plus there’s almost a gram of protein in each little nugget!

Power Up Mega Omega Trail Mix

Power Up Trail Mix

This is such an amazing snack for not only your taste buds but also your body! It has nuts, seeds, and dried fruits (and exotic ones at that, like mango!!!).

Each bite has a delicious mix of salty nuts and sweet dried fruits. It’s also great on top of a vegan smoothie or salad.

Skinny Pop Popcorn

Skinny Pop

This stuff is addicting. Seriously – it’s almost a problem.

There is no one that can handle just one serving of this delicious popcorn (and one serving is 3 cups!) Personally, I end up eating at least half of the bag (or more) in a sitting.

There are so many reasons to love this popcorn! One, it only has three simple ingredients. Two, it’s a great source of fiber. And three, IT TASTES AMAZING.

Made in Nature Berry Pops

Berry Pops

Yum! These sweet little soft bites are so good. I actually give them to my toddler all of the time for a “treat.”

Little does he know they are loaded with good-for-you foods like blueberries, cherries, cashews, and cranberries. Mom for the win.

Bare Baked Crunchy Apple Crisps

You know how sometimes you just want the crunch of a chip?

Well these little babies give you not only the crunch but they give you an unbelievable sweetness as well. Watch out, they are addictive.

Do yourself a favor and buy a couple bags while you’re there.

Silk Almond Milk

Silk Almond Milk

Original or Vanilla in bulk for a nice price. And if you’re feeling the need for hydration Costco has a great selection of coconut water as well.



Life is just better when guacamole is involved. And, Costco does not disappoint when it comes to their guac section. I’m talking salivation city. They have chunky, spicy, big tubs, little tubs. Everything your guac-loving heart desires.

Alexia Sweet Potato Fries

Who doesn’t love sweet potato fries? Alexia does them right. They are crispy and have the perfect amount of salt on them. Put them next to a veggie burger and enjoy.



The hummus section is even bigger than the guac section. And that’s saying something. Also, they have every kind of hummus on the planet including ones in little cups which make for perfect on the go snacks. Pair them with some veggies for a protein-packed, filling, vegan friendly snack!

Eat Pastry Cookie Dough

This is a THREE pound tub of vegan cookie dough. Yes, you read that correctly. Also since it’s vegan you can eat it raw. Cookies? Check. Coconut cream topping? Check. Midnight snack? Check.

Warning: having this in your house will not help with weight loss, but it’s absolutely amazing.

Crispy Veggie Spring Rolls

Vegetable Spring Rolls

Okay they aren’t the most healthy thing on the menu but even vegans need a break, right? There are certain days when you just don’t want to cook from scratch! Keep these in the freezer and you have a great backup plan when you get home from work late.

Don Lee Farms Organic Veggie Burgers

Veggie Burger

If you’re wondering how good these burgers are just think about this: Costco sold over 1 million units of these burgers in less than 60 days.

1 MILLION in 60 days. That’s a lot of burgers.

The patties are made from sweet potato, sunflower seeds, and beet powder to replicate a “bleeding” burger. So good on a summer day, your meat eating friends might not notice they are eating vegan.

Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups

If you liked Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups before going vegan then you are in for some seriously good news because these blow them out of the water. Think of Reese’s as the baby of peanut butter cups and Justin’s as the classier more sophisticated adult version. They are so good. Taste like you just bought them from a gourmet chocolate shop.

Made Good Granola Minis

Made Good Granola Minis

Oh my goodness these are SO good. AND, best of all they have veggies sneakily added to them! I love to bring these in to my son’s classroom when it’s his turn to bring snack because they are nut free, delicious, and healthy! The trifecta of snacks.

Heavenly Chunks Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies

If you don’t feel like getting in the kitchen then just grab these ready to eat chunks of deliciousness. Not only are they vegan, but they’re gluten free as well. This is a winner of a product for EVERY diet variation out there.

Hemp Hearts

Hemp Hearts

I didn’t get into hemp hearts until later in my vegan journey and I’m so sad it took me that long because they are awesome. They make great additions to peanut butter and apple afternoon snacks, in cookie recipes, and even to granola for a little extra umph.

Milled Flaxseed

Milled flaxseed is used for SO many things nowadays it’s incredible. It’s a great addition to smoothies, oatmeal, baked items, and even energy bites. Flaxseeds are loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids which aid in heart health. They also add a decent amount of protein as well. I actually use them for an egg replacer. It’s so easy. Instead of using an egg use 1 tbsp of milled flaxseed with 1 tbsp of hot water. Let it sit after stirring together and voila! You’ve got yourself a vegan egg.

Vega All In One Shakes

Vega One Protein Powder

Vega products are great. They have everything you need without the added nasty stuff (and no added sugar!). Their all in one shakes have vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and protein all wrapped into one delicious chocolatey scoop. Even better, since it’s at Costco its way cheaper than at your neighborhood supplement shop.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

You can use coconut oil for everything in your house.. everything. You can use it for lotion, deodorant, face moisturizer, and of course cooking. With coconut oil being the base for literally everything in my house you can imagine I need a Costco size jug! It’s also organic and cold pressed which are major bonuses in the coconut world. Plus you can’t beat the price!

This list could have included another 19 vegan finds at Costco but we wanted to just give you the best of the best. Point is, if you don’t have a membership to Costco and you’re a vegan YOU SHOULD. The prices are amazing and they are constantly adding new vegan friendly items everyday.

They’re even starting to add new vegan items to their food court. Check out their vegan acai bowl! It contains softserve acai berries, banana chips, granola, blueberries, and strawberries. For $5 it’s a whole lotta vegan goodness!!

What are your favorite vegan finds at Costco? If you liked this list, be sure to PIN IT by clicking on the pin below.